January 25, 2025, 01:44:40 am


Help show our supreme power! CtC!
Don't let those smelly Serco win!

* *

Application - Boanerges

Started by ~NC~, January 05, 2012, 07:09:07 pm

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Heheh yeah there's some good XP to be had that way, though the bots tend to dodge rapid fire shots. Try Gauss or Plasma Devestators if you find them dodging the Gatling too much.

I ran into you (~NC~) in Deneb O-3 over the weekend, but you seemed AFK or too busy to respond. I'll try to catch you again some time for an in-game interview.


I have tried with goss and Devesators - I like the gatling because I don't have to have exact aim to hit them - harder to line up ship for shooting with goss

I am still trying to learn all about the chat on this game - I have not been watching it all the time as it is hard to do while concentrating on the mission at hand - what is the best channel and setup for chat? - I have closed the 100 as I got tired of all the Pirate "trash talk"

reclining chair

February 02, 2012, 11:14:26 am Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 11:16:37 am by reclining chair
Private messages are red and look like this:
*ARF_01* I like turtles!
So be sure to look out for those.

Answering is very simple. Open the chat and then auto-complete the command to answer the private message by pressing tab.
It should then fill this into your chat: /msg "ARF_01"

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