December 07, 2024, 06:41:21 pm


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Started by Allia Isun, February 25, 2009, 05:14:33 pm

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Allia Isun


This is an application to be member of ITAN.

I've been around VO since the month of november before the last one, played few months back then, then had a bit of hiatus, and started again more recently.

Levels are currently 8/9/7/11/8 and my alt has combat 8 and rest few less (he's shy and not so concentrated on trade..).

Couple principles I live with are "you live by the sword, you die by the sword" and "you pull the trigger, you carry the responsibility".

I've taken standing hit once, saw a serco sitting on top of the station in Jallik E-15. Sneaked up and lit up his "afterburner".  Just had to find out how much the hit actually is. Now again POS. Alt is few bits away.

Talking about Jallik, the Jallik/Edras border is frequented by persons of shady and smudgy nature, and they pose risk to travellers. I'd like to see if the Guild can do something to improve the situation on that area.

I'm rather quiet by nature, but don't let that prevent you from asking what you need.


Welcome to ITAN!


Hello there, and welcome, I frequently patrol those borders, but don't see you.. >.<
That's okay, it's probs a time zone thing :P
Yeah, I am up there a lot defending itani space form sercos and rats.

Did I mention:
Welcome to ITAN!?

Allia Isun

Thanks for the warm welcome :)

Estrian: I think in this case timezones work for us, as we can cover most of the day. I'm at +2 (Helsinki), and usually online on evenings and weekends.

For some odd reason I consider Jallik as homesector :)


Heh, i'm an australian :) +10 gmt...
I hope to run into you sometime.. I am also sometimes down in sedina for the pvp :)
have fun

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