January 25, 2025, 01:43:58 am


Help show our supreme power! CtC!
Don't let those smelly Serco win!

* *


Started by Onis, August 26, 2008, 12:10:54 am

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this is my application
I have been playing vendetta since June.
I like to kill bots,do trade,mine,and work on my factions.
I want help with getting up my factions.
I expect to earn allies.
My brother Spedy is the reason I wanted to join
he sad that this would help me get better at the game

Captain Sraer

I'm glad to see you applied! I look forward to mining and trading with you!
Per Audacia ad Astra


YAY!! Spedy's replacement is here! hehe... hope to see you ingame more Onis!

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January 25, 2025, 01:43:58 am

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