January 25, 2025, 01:15:33 am


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Started by Purity Control, December 10, 2011, 07:56:28 am

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Purity Control


I'm a Team Player and ITAN is probably the best choice for me.
Thanks to someone (naming no names...) killing me when I was
new I never considered ITAN as a choice, but that changed since
then. My short time as a Lieutenant in [PA] shouldn't be rated bad
because I left when they went to the dark side.

Some information about me: subscriber for ~2 years, with some
time off between activity.

Licenses: 19/17/17/15/10
Player Kills: 350
Itani bounty hunter: 6 collected, 4.8m worth
13x POS
Bus Hunter, Hive Queen Hunter III, Master Hive Hunter I
Intermed. Trader I, Basic Miner II

I used to be Serco KOS back when I did Border Skirmishes, but I
have to admit that I rather like the Proms.... Valks are still my
favorite ships.

Right now I can play whenever I want, so if you give me a time
to meet it's rather likely that I can make it.


Hello Purity, welcome to the forums.
I hope to fly with you soon mate, I hear good things about you.

Serco KOS is not required, even I'm only Hate :P
And mate, play when you want, we all do it for the fun, not the hardcore play style.

I'm sure we have something for you :)
See you in-game.

Foo Fighter

Whoah, those are some seriously good levels there, pilot.
Welcome  8)
Semper Fide


What do you mean by PA went to the dark side?


woot hey purity!


Purity Control is asking about her application to ITAN, is there any objection to sending an invite?


Foo Fighter

Semper Fide



I'd like to have a chat with Purity Control before this happens. I didn't get to before because of combat, and I haven't seen her on since then.

Purity Control

not necessary, ARF, I'm cancelling my application.


Have a nice life!

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