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Crylis's Application

Started by Crylis, July 15, 2008, 03:05:53 pm

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July 15, 2008, 03:05:53 pm Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 03:30:01 pm by Crylis
I am a subscriber
4/4/1/0/0 i think.
been playin for a few days, but i used to play before. than i left, but now im back!! i like Border patrol, Border Skirmish, PvP, though i havn't done any PvP recently. Currently im lookin for help getting my Valk, but after that, i would like to kill serco. I expect a bunch of buddies, and a fair amount of raiding serco space, pirate pwnn, and fun for all.

also i'm taking a web design class, so i could design a "Snazzier" website for [itan]. 

EDIT: my license level was actually 4/3/2/0/0... but right NOW it's 4/3/3/0/0
(\_/) THE BUNNEH        or, he
(-.- ) WILL EET             might just                \|/
(")(") YOR SOUL           eat this                    | |
                                  badly written             \/

Waffles of Soggy

Did he say Snazzier!? Got my vote. :P
"Beneath the clouds lives the Earth-Mother from whom is derived the Water of Life, who at her bosom feeds plants, animals and men." ~Larousse
<WoS> suspenders and loincloth
<slime> my favourite


Awesome, I think this website needs a little magic touch. ;)
*Something of interest coming Soon (tm)*


actually, i would make a differant site completely, with a link to this forum... i havn't learned how to make those yet, but i will figure it out. i also would have to  talk with different site hosts for information on having members and forms etc... that way i can make our own custom forms!!
(\_/) THE BUNNEH        or, he
(-.- ) WILL EET             might just                \|/
(")(") YOR SOUL           eat this                    | |
                                  badly written             \/

Sagiv Kor

But... I like this site and it has tons of niftyness that would be rather difficult to move...

Prolly be better to make addons to this one >.>


Welcome Crylis :)
Some random crap saying that's mildly philosophical.

Captain Sraer

HTML is one of those beautiful wonders, like lua(which is cool!)
Per Audacia ad Astra


let me clarify a couple things...
i am not learning HTML. i am learning how to use a advanced website design program called "Adobe Dreamweaver CS3". this program uses CSS, or cascading style sheet, which is what most current websites are based off of. actually HTML is a big part of CSS, but you don't have to know it to use the program. now my idea for the site is just a couple pages that have all the snapshots and stuff, and what we do. kind of like if you go to the [CLM]s website. (while looking for ideas, i looked at a lot of other guild websites.) even if we don't end up using it for the guild site, i am still taking the idea and using it for my final for the class. >.<
(\_/) THE BUNNEH        or, he
(-.- ) WILL EET             might just                \|/
(")(") YOR SOUL           eat this                    | |
                                  badly written             \/


This site is wonderfully functional as is.. :P


let me clarify a couple things...i am not learning HTML. i am learning how to use a advanced website design program called "Adobe Dreamweaver CS3". this program uses CSS, or cascading style sheet, which is what most current websites are based off of. actually HTML is a big part of CSS, but you don't have to know it to use the program. now my idea for the site is just a couple pages that have all the snapshots and stuff, and what we do. kind of like if you go to the [CLM]s website. (while looking for ideas, i looked at a lot of other guild websites.) even if we don't end up using it for the guild site, i am still taking the idea and using it for my final for the class. >.<

LOL Crylis, this website uses PHP and is dynamically generated on the fly. Better learn mySQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, AND Dreamweaver. [CLM]'s webby uses the same basic technology as this one, a free content management system called SMF.

Saying that "DreamWeaver uses CSS, which is what most current websites are based off of" is kind of like saying "Most cars use gasoline, which is what makes them go." Either way, you don't know how to construct them yet, and should probably shy away from anything but the most basic sites. You should actually learn to make websites with Notepad and write your own HTML.

Any website design instructor who immediately pushes students into a WYSIWYG web-builder program like Dreamweaver is a complete idiot. Kind of like giving a 16-year old with a fresh license a Porsche 911 Turbo. Sure, you can drive it, but pretty soon some Tow Truck operator will be loading your formerly beautiful Porsche onto a flatbed

My advice to you: start slowly, build some static HTML websites, then learn CSS PROPERLY, the C is in there for "Cascading". Hrm, we USED to have a great Flash intro to this website with Domo-Kun roaring around. Mebbe I'll go find it and email it to drazed or slime since I can't post things on this site anymore...

But, welcome to ITAN, I look forward to shooting you soon.
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Someone please tell me, how did anyone get Leebs out of Drunken state to write that?


someone please tell me... why he's still in this forum =p

with -65535 karma too... i say anyone with more than -200 should be kicked out =p


... the class was specifically FOR dreamweaver.
(\_/) THE BUNNEH        or, he
(-.- ) WILL EET             might just                \|/
(")(") YOR SOUL           eat this                    | |
                                  badly written             \/

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