January 25, 2025, 01:50:32 am


EMS and ORE = DO NOT SHOOT, even if they're Serco.

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Recruiting / Application for IDF Jet
Last post by IDF Jet - August 03, 2016, 06:34:21 pm
My license are 4/4/2/1/1, I do Deneb battles, I have no sub but im working on it and I know some people that do CtC or Border Skirms.
thats all I can say so hope you let me in to the guild

IDF Jet out.

P.s I met the determined idian or something who is one of you guys and we had fun fighting Serco together
Recruiting / Re: Application for discord.
Last post by ARF - August 03, 2016, 09:14:59 am
Welcome to the guild. :)
Recruiting / Application for discord.
Last post by discord. - August 02, 2016, 12:48:52 pm
hello i am not used kind of application making, so please bare with me if i do a mistake and also english is not my first language and if i forgot somthing please tell me.

my player name discord.   that dot at the last part of the name must is there cus on vendetta someone already had the name.

my licence is    5/5/4/2/-  i been more busy at deneb battles but soon doing mining and also soon proc missions.

i have an alt, he name is scared star, he was in tgft but i left and then i been focus on making an itani alt.

what i like to do is mostly deneb battles and its way easyer on computer.

i have a few plugins their name is: trade assist, infnite turbo modifide for stacking, /honk, targetless, tab reply++, show players in sectors, M.A.I.D, auto R/R ( auto repar and reload) i would also get an auto log in but i have no idea how to work it,

i read the vendetta online back story i an dearly hate the serco even more, and also that 300+ ( i forgot name and age kind of) year old man from itani beat the crap out of that serco guy in the dual was an awesome part. ( going to be honest, everything about itani was awesome)

i have been perminum player for 3 weeks now, 2 weeks on a key and now so far 1 week on a pay perminum 1 month, i have still a few cash so when 1 month is over i can get 3 payed months.

if i missed anything please let me know and i will be on for a few hours today i have some work to do soon. my time zone is: UTC:7:00 mountan time canada.
Recruiting / Re: Membership request
Last post by ARF - July 25, 2016, 03:07:01 pm
Greetings Sratch,

I'll probably be able to get on some time Tuesday evening for an interview and invite. If Harpo's available before then, try and get in touch with him.

Itani nation chat, channel 11 is your best bet as some of us ignore channel 100. There's a lot of trash talk on there that can spoil the game for people.
Recruiting / Membership request
Last post by Scratch the Squirrel - July 23, 2016, 02:11:57 pm
Player name is Scrat the Squirrel. 
My stats are 3/3/2/6/3.
Itani: admire
Uit: neutral

I am willing to engage in battle as needed although my skills in that area are sadly lacking. Any help offered in that are would be appreciated.

My timezone is US central daylight time. I am online most weekends and usually after 7 pm Monday through friday.

My favorite activities in the game so far are bottling and trading.
Recruiting / Re: Application for Jestano On...
Last post by Jestano - July 14, 2016, 11:21:27 am
I think you just missed me yesterday, I am currently online, channel 11 selected :)
Recruiting / Re: Application for Jestano On...
Last post by Harpo - July 13, 2016, 11:04:13 pm
I'll look for you on channel 11
Recruiting / Application for Jestano Onis
Last post by Jestano - July 13, 2016, 03:22:09 pm
Hi all :)
Hope you don`t mind i used Galanoths application as template, I thought it was a good setup :)

Licenses: 3/3/3/2/2
Active: I am at GMT+2 and mostly active between 1700 and 0000
Alts: Yes, one, character name will be given upon interview.
Bio: I like more or less every aspect of the game, except piracy, I find it challenging that they are there and they give the game soul and entertainment, but for myself I do nothing that isn`t honorable.
I also come with a reference and a recommendation from one of your council members.

Note: I am currently online playing, and will be for at least 5 more hrs, hope you`ll cath me when I`m online :)

Recruiting / Thank you
Last post by Robert Sharp - July 05, 2016, 08:13:14 am
Thank you for the accept guys

Recruiting / Re: Allright enough bullshit I...
Last post by Harpo - February 18, 2016, 12:11:19 am
Or someone else's cousins...
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