February 10, 2025, 07:05:30 am


EMS and ORE = DO NOT SHOOT, even if they're Serco.

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Recruiting / Re: Application of Courtney To...
Last post by Courtney Tolana - March 10, 2018, 02:41:32 am
I guess timing is everything, wasn't sure if anyone here was still active.  I joined FAMY earlier today. 

Sorry to waste your time.  See you out there!

Recruiting / Re: Application of Courtney To...
Last post by Ezra - March 10, 2018, 02:13:28 am
Hello! Is it possible for you to join Itans discord server? 

We usually use that for communication now, but do not give away invite links out on 100.

Anyway looking forward to seeing you in the guild!
Recruiting / Application of Courtney Tolana
Last post by Courtney Tolana - March 07, 2018, 01:48:46 am
Hi, I'm Courtney.  I'm interested in joining the Coalition of [ITAN].  My interests are mainly combat-related.  Lately I've been breaching [Serco]territory to attack any PCs I could find, or at the very least blowing up any pursuing NPC Aerna Seekers.  As a result, my [Serco] standing went to KOS.   ::)

I've been playing Vendetta for about nine months and am a full subscriber.  Generally, in-game I do at least one of the following:

  • Hive shirmishes
  • Deneb skirmishes
  • Queen hunting (up to 25 now!)
  • Serco hunting

I'd like to improve my combat capabilities and exterminate all (eligible) [Serco] individuals.  I believe joining [ITAN] is one viable means to accomplishing both.

Out-of-game, I'm a solutions architect for a major ISP in Southern California.  I work from home and have three beautiful cats.

Looking forward to meeting you,

Recruiting / Re: Application of AstroTech
Last post by Harpo - February 09, 2018, 08:06:00 pm
What's your name in-game?
Recruiting / Re: Application of AstroTech
Last post by Estrian - February 07, 2018, 01:28:31 pm
Sure are
Recruiting / Re: Application of AstroTech
Last post by Jeansonne - February 06, 2018, 02:34:43 pm
Before I apply, are you guys still active and recruiting?
Recruiting / Re: Application of AstroTech
Last post by Harpo - May 25, 2017, 08:57:08 pm
Look for us on Channel 11 :)
Recruiting / Application of AstroTech
Last post by AstroTech - May 25, 2017, 12:14:14 am
Greetings ITAN officers and members.

I am AstroTech, and I am interested in joining the ranks of the greatest Itani guild in the universe. I am Itani, with a standing of +709, a Serco standing of -723, and UIT standing of +200. My licenses are 1/1/0/1/1. Take note that although my licenses are currently low, I have and understanding of the "Stray Bot" mission tree that can raise my licenses to 3/3/1/-/- by Friday or so. Also note that I am an overachiever, as I have done extensive research on combat mechanics, faction mechanics, trading, mining, the various guilds, ships and addons, etc. I also like to push myself in everthing I do in VO. (I left the training sector with a Trading License 1, 105 bot kills,  and 30k credits) The point of all this is that my willingness to learn and achieve makes up for my lack of current licenses.

That's about all. I'm on usually 4-7pm Pacific Time-zone, so feel free to hit me up. I always have channels 1, 100, and 11 active, so feel free to check for me there as well. Thanks for your time and consideration.

edit: As I have promised, my weapons related licenses are now 3/3/1 (Almost 3/3/2)
Recruiting / Application of Azurefrost
Last post by Azurefrost - May 20, 2017, 10:43:19 am

I'm a relatively new player to Vendetta online. I currently have a lite sub and have my licenses at 4/4/4/4/4.
I'm 31 yrs old and have a pretty open schedule to play most days, both during the day and evenings. I'm looking to join up with a group of fun people to run both hive runs and pvp skirmishes. I also enjoy mining & trade on my down time. Feel free to ask my anything. Thank you for your consideration.
Recruiting / Good news and bad news
Last post by Abel Kurian - April 27, 2017, 09:03:15 am
Hey guys I'm Abel Kurian. The bad news is Capt.Elhoji.o'Lorkh. Put a bounty on me for 1m for no reason. Good news I'm combat 3 and can go to the Deneb war. I level uped that same day to combat 4 and my light weapons is 4 . now my licence is 4/4/2/4/2 guys please recruit me to ITAN.I saw drazed but he didn't say anything. So please read this.
Regards Abel Kurian
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February 10, 2025, 07:05:30 am

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