September 20, 2024, 09:21:54 pm


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Application of RaKess

Started by RaKess, September 21, 2014, 04:28:28 am

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Greetings everyone!

My name is RaKess and i've been playing Vendetta occasionally since 2011 and on a daily base for several weeks now. I gave up my first character which was UIT because i discovered that you won't be able to buy the Valkyrie legally as an outworlder. And hell did i fall in love with that little ship.

Facts about the real me:
- full subscriber and (almost) daily player
- Central European Time Zone (but as i am a creature of the night there is always a chance of running into me, no matter what time it is)

Facts about the Itan me:
RaKess was born about twenty years ago on planet Itan in a dark night full of lightnings and never knew his parents. He fought his way through life and finally got hold on an abandoned EC-89 and managed to get out into space to find his fortune. He tried several occupations and did everything he could to earn respect among the other captains, but for a while now he has had the feeling that he is not following his fate. When he heard about the Coalition of Itan he knew that all his life he had been waiting for a chance to prove himself to them. To become a member of the coalition and defend his homeworld with all his heart and all his life.

Now i stand here, not very tall, short black hair, shabby clothing. Shy on the outside but as you look into my dark blue eyes you can see an unbreakable will to fight.
Willing to give my skills to your cause - our cause.
License levels: 10/9/8/9/8
Present Ship: Valkyrie X-1
Preferred occupation so far: fighting hives and "storyline missions"
I have not yet fought Sercos or Players in general, but have killed 1,473 bots

So i am formally applying for membership in your noble Coalition.
Looking forward to learning from your experience.

Sincerely Yours,



I heard someone talking about you gratz on the x-1 looking forward to fighting beside you.
Shrewd as Obadiah Stane Compassionate as Tony Stark looks, talks, acts like Lil' Abner.

Arianna Shadowhawke

Welcome RaKess. As I am trying to get back into playing more again as work permits, I look forward to meeting you in-game and hope to hunt a few Queens (Hive or RED) with you.


Arianna Shadowhawke

Great job in Deneb Skirms this morning. You will be a welcome addition to our guild.


Welcome to the guild!  8)


I'm sorry, it's offtopic in here, but i have to tell someone! :-)
I just finished a queen all by myself! putting her shields down alone, killing her alone.
Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! *lol*

Arianna Shadowhawke


good job dude!    ;-)


booyah! gratz!
Shrewd as Obadiah Stane Compassionate as Tony Stark looks, talks, acts like Lil' Abner.

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