September 20, 2024, 09:23:24 pm


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Greenwall's Application

Started by Greenwall, September 20, 2008, 12:01:46 am

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Hey everybody... I've been on VO for a month or two now, and have gotten a good feel for how I like to play the game.  And from what I can tell, the C-o-I fits nicely with my needs and values.  Iry has been a very kind and helpful person, and has made a great impression upon me as a representative of you all.  Therefore, I would like to apply for guild membership.

Personally, I'm not much of  hardcore pvp person...  I've been there/done that, and don't get enough satisfaction out of giving myself tendonitis to warrant the joy of having vanquished my enemy after a half hour standoff.  That said, I will engage in PVP from time to time when the sides are equal and I'm playing with friends.  I do enjoy Hive missions, queening, leviathan quests, trading and rare-mining, as well as border skirmishes.  I also enjoy giving newbies the opportunity to reap the benefits of Border Patrol whenever I can.

I currently meet the following requirements:

Hive Queen Hunter I
Leviathan Hunter I
Itani Valkyrie Access

Basic Miner I
Helio Miner II
Denic Miner
Behemoth Access
Itani POS (honestly I just lost this last night mistakenly...but I'm close to getting it back lol)

I accept Itan's Policies and acknowledge the Guild relations (though I haven't seen half of those guilds online).

I have no other Alts at the moment as I cannot conceive of having enough time to develop another character...but over time I may.

And that's it!  Looking forward to hearing if I get to join the ranks. :)


You are quite qualified as I see. I see no real reason why you cannot join our ranks, Welcome to the Forums and Hopefully the guild!


i have seen you around and have talked to you here and there. you seem nice and i can always tell you are up to something productive in those behemoths of yours  ;)

hope to see you more in game  :D and good luck with your application to our ranks!



Very delightful insight bockscar.


Thanks guys... i'm excited to find out if I am accepted in to the hallowed Coalition.

Almighty Bob

don't know if i've met you or not, but if bockscar is giving you a recommend, then you are alright in my book  ;D

Good luck and hope you get in.


yeah, what he said


Yeah, what he said.


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